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Friday, March 30, 2012

BOAT SHOWS - a recap

My life evolves - I started by life with Philip attending many, many air shows. Then we progressed (and are still attending/working) to arts and craft shows. Now... it is boat shows. However, while the early boat shows we attended, a few years ago, usually were not for purchasing anything, these last two have been different. We now own a trawler and we now have a vision of an adventure and we must get her in "ship shape", purchase necessary safety equipment, install new navigational aids, purchase a dinghy, and complete enclosure upgrades. In other words... spend money.
*** Do you know what BOAT really stands for?   Break Out Another Thousand! ***

So, this winter/spring we have been to two significant boat shows. In January we went to the Miami Boat show.

We spent two days walking through this massive show. Even with our program... we were often lost! We collected more reading material, catalogs, brochures than we could carry. We went in each morning with our backpacks somewhat heavy with drinks, food and camera. As we added these publications given out by every vendor in sight, our idea of being thrifty and bringing our own food didn't seem like such a good idea. But, we persevered! And we learned a lot! We settled on which navigation electronics to purchase. I bought one of those skinny little life jackets that expands upon  "impact" when/if I hit the water and I got one in a fashionable yellow color (color is most important!).
We looked at dinghys, davits and generators.
We met lots of great people, gots lots of advice and all in all, had a great time. We met a "looper" couple who currently had their boat there in Miami, but hail from the Houston area. We stood on the floor of the boat show for more than an hour talking with them and getting some great advice. We also visited the new West Marine store , which I believe is the largest store in their chain.
We spent our nights in the Ft. Lauderdale area, but were so tired from walking each night, we just crashed in the motel room. Philip did a great job of driving each day and we were armed with the GPS and the IPAD so we always found the best route. We found a great little diner near our parking lot. It was near the theater district and many actors had eaten their over the years so we purused their autographed pictures as we ate. Parking near the show was unattainable, so we used the great bus shuttle system and met other folks who were like us - there to purchase, research and dream.

We also went over the the area where on the water where boats were for sale. OMG, as the kids say... some of the boats were unbelievably beautiful. Some had captains and mates in uniform stationed on them. Many, you could only board by invitation. We went to the new Krogens on display and toured two. John Gear, who heads up the Krogen company now was there and took us on a tour through the boats.
All in all a good show!

Our second and more recent show was here in Texas in the Kemah/Galveston area.

 Easier to travel to, cheaper motel and close to our friends Curt and Karen and we were able to see our oldest daughter and her family. So... as a result of this show, we made a dinghy choice. I visited with two fabric providers.
 Here I am with Matt from Sailrite (who I have already spent mucho money with - see earlier post about the sewing machine).

This was a small show but we still gained lots of info. We have decided on which davit system to buy so that we can lift the dinghy on board Hey Jude and we found a replacement generator when the time comes. There was some great music and pretty good food. Philip sat near an attractive woman who taught him to eat crawfish. I just sat nearby and smelled the stinky stuff. I thought I had a picture of this event, but can't find it.

 This is Hannah's Reef performing - lots of Jimmy Buffet tunes.

That is probably the only two shows we will attend this spring, but I am sure there will be more to come.

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